
1. Diversity in Medicine
Collect race-based data in medical school and residency admissions.
Establish a Black Medical Student Application Program, Including involving Black Physicians in the admissions process.
Dedicate resources to fund mentorship efforts towards Black students at high school and undergraduate levels.
Create a well-funded office of Equity and Inclusion with dedicated expertise in anti-Black and anti-racist work
Increase representation of Black instructors and clinical supervisors through equitable recruitment and promotion

2. Curriculum
Review the medical school curriculum to ensure racial consciousness and incorporation of the impacts of racism on health
Mandate anti-racist workshop(s) that explicitly addresses anti-Black racism for all clinical and academic supervisors, admissions committees, office of Student Affairs, and incoming residents and fellows.
Include Black Physicians and trainees as active stakeholders in equity initiatives

3. Wellness
Dedicate resources to provide debriefing, mental health resources, and anti-racist expert support to Black staff physicians and trainees.